Ridge Students
We are dedicated to helping junior high and high school students (6th-12th) experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ! We do this through regular gatherings in which we focus on discipleship, fellowship. and ways in which we can live out our faith by serving our church and those in our sphere of influence. Sunday is when we dive head first into God’s word to explore the deeper truths and examine how to apply and study God’s word more intentionally. We use a DVD-based curriculum that will take your student through the entire bible in a two-year period. Wednesday serves as our mid-week connection with God and each other. Your student will experience a variety of games and interaction with other students. Students are encouraged to share their faith, and we use certain segments of Wednesday nights to equip them to do so. We have a lot of fun as we seek to strengthen your student’s bond of faith and friendship with a focused message. For further information or to serve as a ministry volunteer, please contact the church office at (205)661-3722.
Small Groups | 9:00 AM (Lower Building) Worship Gathering | 10:00 AM
Wednesday Worship Gathering | 6:30 PM (Lower Building)